This Iveco Trakker 440 belongs to Ferrrari Gian Battista from the moutaines region to the east of Bergamo-Italy. |
It's an 8x8 chassis with 440 hp that has a demountable body. |
The crane of this body is a Fassi F1500AXP.28, the 8x extending version without a jib. It also has 3 manaul extenions that give more outreach. The base crane reaches up to 19,4 meters and can lift 4,465 tonnes there. The 3 manual extensions give a total outreach of 26,8 meters with a capicity of 2,15 tonnes. The maximum load beside the truck is 30 tonnes.
The demountable body and crane where built/installed by Grucar. The entire body can be taken of, it then supports itself on the outriggers of the crane. In the background you can see the mountains of this region. The truck is mainly used for installing and transporting ski-lifts and for other mountain-construction jobs.
A small flatbed is mounted behind the crane. On the legal roads it won't be able to carry much load, but beside these roads it can be loaded up to it's technical limit of 41 tonnes.
From the side we see that the truck is made for off-road use. The dieseltank is mounted high and the parts at the rear are mounted high and near to the rear axles.
The crane has got a heavy winch with a long cable. All hydraulic connections for the body are at this side and are mounted behind the steel plate beside the dieseltank.
When the crane is demounted the truck can be used with this flatbed.
Here the crane is being set up. The crane has got the same outriggers at the rear as it has at the cranebody, the 3x extending version. This gives a wide support base for good stability.
The Iveco doesn't add much tot the support frame of the crane, the body is strong enough. The body is connected to the truck at the front and the rear with joints.
Here it is lifting a machine that is used for working with cables of ski-lifts/winches. It's a construction of TE.MA Srl and weighs about 12 tonnes, a weight that this crane can lift 8,4 meters far.
The machine is lifted over the flatbed.
Nice piece of heavy equipment!
At the other side it is put back onto the ground again. |
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