During the lifting of the MS-Seegold in Friedrichshafen a lot of material was involved. This is a Scania R500 in 8x4 version that brought ballast for the LTM1350 of Wiesbauer.
The choice for a Scania is interesting, most german operators stick with the known brand Mercedes and MAN. The fresh Wiesbauer colors look good on this truck.
It's an 8x4 tractor with a short wheelbase, it is equiped with the 500 hp V8 engine.
It is only used as tractor, there are no drawbar couplings. Behind the front axles hangs the mufler.
The tower is clearly arranged and offers room for the dieseltank, some air barrels, the batteries and a toolbox. The side is covered by a steel plate with the V8 logo in it.
Behind the Scania hangs a 4-axled ES-GE ballasttrailer.
This side holds the Ad-Blue tank. They took the half-high Highline cab.
On monday morning this combination was also loaded and ready. This one carries 4 blocks of ballast, each is 10 tons. It also carries a part of the wooden beams they needed.
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