This is the new Volvo FM480 of Skaks Specialtransport from Rødekro (DK). |
It's a special truck for several reasons. The first one is the crane, it's the first Erkin crane that is working in Europe. Skaks is the importer of this brand and has taking the heaviest model, the 365000 on this Volvo, into service in his own crane company. |
The complete modelname is ER-365.000 L-8, a crane in the 365 t/m class with 8 extensions. These 8x extending version has a maximum lifting capacity at the hook of 340 t/m and has a hydraulic outreach of 22,5 meters where it can lift 9,3 tonnes. For that the crane needs to be ballasted which wasn't the case at this jib here. We can see the 6 outriggers here, 2 at the front, 2 at the rear and 2 at the back that extend rearwards.
This crane comes with a 5x extending jib that gives a total outreach of 38,8 meters. Here the crane is being set uo and the chains are connected.
Here we have a better view of the crane. The crane parts are all in 1 line, this gives more strength and eliminates torsion at the foot of the crane. The crane therefore isn't foldable offcourse, that is why the boom lies over the roof of the truck during transport. We also see a special manual part here, that raises the mounting of the hook. This way the crane can lift closer to the ceiling.
And a view from the rear side of the crane. The ballast is mounted to the plates with the holes in them, at the back of the crane. Underneath the telescopic boom we find a hydraulic winch.
An old sand filtering unit had to be demounted for transportation on this job. The first part that had to be lifted was rather large steel bucket with low weigth, the heavier parts where still to come.
The bucket was lifted off the ground and turned over the rear of the truck to the other side, where it was put on a semi lowloader.
The 2nd special feature about this crane truck is the chassis. The Volvo FM was delivered as a fully air suspended 6x4 with planetary rear axles. After delivery it was converted by OA Opbyg to a 10x4 by mounting two additional air suspended front axles. This truck is allowed in Danmark to have a total weight of 48 tonnes.
Behind the cab stands the diesel- and oiltank. Above the axles they mounted several storage compartments for lifting gears and tools.
The bucket lands on the lowloader, the crane driver is standing behind the trailer with it's remote control.
After that, the crane was, in this half folded state, driven slowly towards the next items that had to be lifted.
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